The Guts of FCA

Sunday, June 20, 2004

More on stem cell research (SCR)

Steve Kellmeyer does a nice job of showing why the push for stem cell research is needlessly - and perhaps diabolically - being presented as embryonic stem cell research (ESCR). ESCR is nothing more than an experimental abortion mill. SCR, derived from many kinds of adult stem cells, is a medical wonder. The difference is literally life-saving. Here's a taste of Kellmeyer's good article (emphasis not in original):

I. Richard Garr, president and CEO of Neuralstem Inc., a private company in Gaithersburg, Md., working with adult neural stem cells, points out: "This is a field that has more hype in it than almost anything outside of professional wrestling...."

...embryonic stem cell researchers deliberately mis-represent the facts in order to drum up public support. The researchers want to feed at the public trough because private enterprise refuses to fund their idiocy. Once they have our tax money, they can honestly tell us that they are from the government and they are here to help. Won’t that be nice?


A stem cell is ... capable of turning into almost any type of cell the body needs, depending on the mechanical and hormonal influences it is subject to. There are two kinds of stem cells: embryonic stem cells (ESC) and adult stem cells (ASC).


Embryonic stem cells come from embryos. Children are deliberately conceived in artificial conditions, these children are allowed to grow to a specific stage of development, and they are then torn apart so their cells can be used for experimentation. So embryonic stem cell research requires the deliberate deaths of thousands of children. ...

Unfortunately for abortion supporters, getting stem cells from embryos has not turned out to be a good idea. ... No matter where they are placed in the human body – heart, pancreas, skull - they tend to try to grow into a child. ... this kind of growth is considered cancerous.


Adult stem cells, on the other hand, can come from darned near anywhere. ...

Adult stem cells have been used for decades to treat disease. Leukemias, immune system and other blood disorders, cancers, autoimmune diseases: the list is nearly 100 illnesses long, with more on the way. As you can see, adult stem cells work very well and they work right now.

What about ESCs? Do they work? In a word, no. Though they have been tried dozens of times, no one has ever been successfully treated with embryonic stem cells. No one. Typically, ESCs make people more sick or kill them. Less often, they simply have no effect.

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