The Guts of FCA

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Oh, open a window! It stinks like wide-open Amorphophallus titanum in here!

"Stinky Flower Set to Bloom After 60 Years" (CNN, DONNA TOMMELLEO, 29 June 2004)

A giant exotic plant that has not bloomed in the Northeast in more than 60 years is ready to flower at the University of Connecticut's greenhouses. The "corpse flower" has the odor of 3-day-old road kill, and UConn botanists couldn't be more excited.

Once open, the spiked, bright red bloom even resembles rotting meat, a veritable welcome mat for the insects that pollinate it - flies and carrion beetles. ...

Already at 4 feet high, the flower could reach more than 6 feet high and at least that wide when it opens up.

Web cam:

All we need now is this thing to start singing homicidal duets with Rick Moranis. "Feed me!"

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