The Guts of FCA

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Taiwan Webloggin, Vol. II

Tuesday 20 July -- Got up late (surprised?). Remembered real shoes and went to greenhouse rain forest at Nat'l Science Musuem (ke1xue2 bo2u4guan4). A great deal for $NT20 a person. Lots of interesting plants to see up close and personal. A ridiculously small "aquarium" for some of the biggest fish I have ever seen: two or three redtail catfish, two doras catfish (ripsaw catfish), about three tiger catfish, a dozen or so parapatinga, a silver dorado, and three MASSIVE red-aft brown-bow osteoglossidae (which from my beggar's Latin means "tongue's bone"). Then we walked to Caves and read the news; caught a taxi home and then rode to Victor for class 1700-2000. Rode home, very tired and hungry; no sign of peeps. After some confusion Erick, Allison and I ate at Salut's. Late night blogging (vom vom vom).

Wednesday 21 July -- Out the door about 1130. Taxi to gym. Pleasant chat with taxi driver: ABCs, ABFs, etc. Good workout; met foreigner, English school owner, Mark from Seattle. Got cell phone recharged. We walked to a great wen4 tuen1 (?) soup and bao1zi5 place. Then to train station, met Janet, bought tix for Taipei. WIll catch train in Taipei to Hualien tomorrow c. noon, God willing. Then Janet, Allison and I bummed at Chongyou mall, then to Ichung shopping. I got trial contacts. (Did I mention touching the cornea causes some strong blinking reflexes, makes me tear up, shiver and makes Allison and Janet laugh at me?) I've been fairly exhausted since getting the lenses in. Time to bury the blogging and pack up.

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