The Guts of FCA

Monday, August 23, 2004

About the best a post-Christian world can do, I suppose

This interview would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.

Mitchell's chief moral axiom: "As long as it’s not porn, it must be sacred. Right? Right!?"

Mitchell's ancillary axioms: "Sex is for marriage so let’s make a movie full of sex outside of marriage. Er, I mean, sex is for marriage so let’s make marriage full of gay sex."

The zinger of the article: “These gay men will have sex at the drop of a hat.”

Finally, note well the perennial liberal anti-Christian catch-22 (at the end of the article). "The Church says the body and sex are sacred, so let’s enjoy them boundlessly! But hey, guess what! The Church also says the body and sex are sinful, so let’s enjoy them boundlessly! Either way, the Church is draconian, medieval, gnostic and outmoded, so let's enjoy sex boundlessly!"

The Bougis Bottom Line: this man, Mitchell, is too smart and talented to waste his time making porn, but too morally deranged to admit he's just making porn.

("A Movie Full of Sex, With Nothing Simulated About It" -- NY Times by DINITIA SMITH -- Published: August 19, 2004)

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