The Guts of FCA

Monday, August 16, 2004

Augustine Day by Day - August 14 & 15

Death Starts with Life

"Rest assured that the possibility of death starts with the beginning of life. In this world of ours, only those who are not yet born can claim not to be as yet due to die. That is why the uncertain day of death becomes a daily contingence for you and me alike."

-- Sermon 9, 2

Prayer. Eternal Truth, true Love, beloved Trinity--all this, my God, you are, and it is to you that I sigh by night and by day.

-- Confessions 7, 10

August 14

Mary and the Church

"Mary gave birth to your Head, and the Church gave birth to you. For the Church also is both mother and virgin. She is mother by her entrails of charity, and virgin by the integrity of faith and piety. She gives birth to many, but they are all members of one whose Body and spouse she herself is. In this she is like Mary, because in many she is the mother of unity."

-- Sermon 192, 2

Prayer. Come let us adore him whom the Virgin conceived without concupiscence, to whom she gave birth as a virgin and remained thereafter a virgin.

-- Sermon 231, 2

August 15

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