The Guts of FCA

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Christian Heritage - August 10 - The Fire of Faith

"Let us honor blessed Lawrence, who by his faith overcame the flames lit by the persecutor, and thus showed us how the fire of faith can defeat the fire of hell. And let us rejoice with spiritual joy and glory in the Lord at his happy death, confident that if we celebrate his feast by worthy behavior and good deeds we shall always be helped by his prayers and protection. Let us strengthen one another in the spirit of love so that we may overcome all temptations and escape every snare. Let us stand firm, and being of one mind in every good work, protect ourselves with the shield of faith against all temptations to sin, through him who has overcome the devil and enabled us to overcome him: Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be praise and glory through endless ages. Amen."

Rabanus Maurus (AD 776-856), Hom. CXLVII: PL 110, 431-432

Rabanus was the archbishop of Mainz and worked to further the evangelization of Germany. Oh Lord, how we need another Rabanus. Bitte, Herr, rette das Land der Dichter und der Denker.

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