The Guts of FCA

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Christian Heritage - August 25 - The Legacy of the Saints

"Even while the saints seemed to be with us they were not so in reality, for their minds were turned to God. They lived on earth as citizens of heaven. Having here no lasting city, they sought the heavenly one; having no earthly riches, they sought the riches of heaven. They were strangers and sojourners as their ancestors were. Strangers to the world, to the things of the world, and to the ways of the world, their whole hearts were absorbed in the things of heaven; these were the things they thought about and were concerned about. They longed for the beauty of heaven, its mansions and dwellings, its choirs and hymnody, its feasts and its eternal blessedness.

"The saints contemplated, sought, and hastened toward these things, and so at last they attained them. Their striving was rewarded by admission to the heavenly bridal chamber. Because they labored they now exult. Because they were not negligent they now rejoice. Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints."

Anastasius of Sinai, patriarch of Antioch, (AD ~599), Sermon: PG 89, 1192-1193

Not to say such beatitude doesn't give me pause about professionally riveting my eyes to this earth as a journalist.

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