The Guts of FCA

Monday, September 13, 2004

Bidness as usual...

Despite a brief burst of pop-science/tech updates and political ramblings, I've been pretty low key on the blog. As I've said, I'm trying to strike out into the frightening frontier of having a life offline. Gulp. I've been reading a good bit, speaking at various ministry meetings, teaching a lot, trying not to get sick and doing a lot emailing.

If you wanted to get a bead on my mind these days, I'm currently reading (along with, of course, the Bible):

+ _Living Tradition_ by Rev. John Meyendorff

+ _The Da Vinci Code_ by Dan Brown (Sigh, "I become all things to all people....")

+ _The Roman Catholic Controversy_ by (the one, the only) James White

+ _Catholicism and Fundamentalism_ by Karl Keating

+ the _Catechism of the Catholic Church_ (CCC)

In addition, I've finally arranged to start RCIA! I will be meeting with a Spanish-, Chinese- and English-speaking priest, Fr. Ramon, at Providence University every Monday afternoon. We'll just be reading through the CCC and discussing various issues. I hope I can brush up on my Spanish too!

As always, I welcome your questions, comments, and prayers.

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