The Guts of FCA

Thursday, October 21, 2004

In the spotlight now! Ad maiorem Dei gloriam!

I got this email today about my blog post, Sex is love..." (28 June 2004):


I saw your piece on sterile sex and have passed it along to many people. Before I photocopy it many, many times I wanted to let you know how helpful a article it is. I'll be making it available to participants at a conference my parish is hosting. Here's an article in the local Catholic newspaper about it:

God bless you.

I thank God His truth about marriage, sex, love, life and chastity is getting the emphasis it needs in the USA (or any other place in our fallen home) and that my little words may contribute to that evangelization. All I ask is, remember, folks, it's Elliot Bougis, not Eliott Boogis, Elliott Bongis, Eliot Bowgis, or any other well meaning perversion . ;op

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