The Guts of FCA

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Christian Heritage - November 10 - Take Pride in the Title of Christian

"If with faith and religious feeling you take pride in the title of Christian, value the grace of this reconciliation at its true worth. Once you were cast off, driven from paradise, dying in weary exile. Reduced to dust and ashes, you have no further hope of life; but now through the incarnation of the Word you have the power to return from afar to your Creator, to recognize your Father, to be freed from slavery, and raised from the status of a stranger to that of a child. You were born with a nature liable to decay, but now you can be reborn through the Spirit of God and obtain by grace what you lacked by nature. You need have no doubt that if you keep the terms of your engagement in the heavenly army, you will receive the victor's crown in the triumphant camp of the eternal King. You will rise again with the just to enter into the fellowship of the kingdom of heaven."

Leo the Great, Sermo 11 in nativitate Domini 5: SC 22, 88-90

True assurance of salvation consists in the assurance of BEING saved AS you attain salvation.

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