The Guts of FCA

Tuesday, February 1, 2005

And you think the election in Iraq is big news?

I should have announced this earlier to get the voting rolling, but please have a look at this year's Beard-a-Thon results and cast your votes with Erick, my old roomie. As Erick says,

The beard-a-thon is complete and you can now cast your vote (one vote per category, per e-mail address please). Please send an e-mail to with your beard-a-thon vote. Due to late updates the voting deadline will be extended to February 14th, Valentine's day. Thanks for voting and remember to send in your pledge money!

Vote early, vote often! My charity will be The Voice of the Martyrs (leave it to me to keep things light and easy, right?). You can either send a pledge to the V of M for my hirsute efforts or support the other guys' charity, Starlight Children's Foundation.

Surprisingly enough (or maybe not), the SAIBAT made the news (KVAL 13 News, 15-12-04)!

Three local men are competing in The Second Annual International Beard-A-Thon. On November first, ten guys shaved their face and for two months they won't trim their facial hair.

This year all the money raised will be donated to the Starlight Children's Foundation. "Women typically don't like the idea of beards. Employers don't either, but this charity thing works out. They are not so sketchy about it after that", Erick Banks, webmaster.

Alas, our huge international stardom can't even begin to compete with the Campbellsports 100 Day Beard-A-Thon or these hairy studs in the the World Beard Championships.

Finally, if you want to see the world with bearded eyes, so to speak, have a gander at All About Beards. The page's original home began with this quote from a 1973 psychological study:

"...the male beard communicates an heroic image of the independent, sturdy, and resourceful pioneer, ready, willing and able to do manly things."

I love it!

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