The Guts of FCA

Saturday, February 19, 2005

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere

I was not disappointed by my time with Fr. Ramón today. It was, in fact, one of our best times together (for me at least). After briefly catching him up on my trip home, and once he noted how emotionally turbulent I was inside, he began reminding me that God's work is to pick up our broken pieces, all broken pieces actually, and reassemble them in such a way that, miraculously, mysteriously, the new form is superior to the original untarnished form. God the Father created the glass[1]; we have broken it with our sin; Christ, God the Savior, salvages and re-forms our pieces into a new wholeness; and the Holy Spirit, the living principle and immanent person of grace, is the "glue" that keeps our pieces together in their new, redeemed splendor. "That is the process you are on," Fr. Ramón said.

This gave me considerable pause. At a loss for words, I quickly became aware of the eyes of Christ beholding me, beckoning me, from the beautiful icon in the chapel.

With Fr. Ramón's permission, I hurried into the chapel to bow before Christ, knowing he had something to tell me. I bowed before him silently, aware of his eyes unpeeling my tired, jumbled soul.

Now, since this was a very private and intimate encounter, I'll only divulge the following basic ideas of what Christ said to me (yes, really): "How are you using my talents? How are you using your time, and to what end, each day and every hour? Elliot, 'Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my name's sake shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.' Follow me to the Cross; on the other side of it is the light of the Resurrection. Trust me! Trust me, I *will* make you whole!"

I’m still mostly at a loss for words, but I am confident that Jesus will bring me into the wholeness I so deeply long for.

Ecce venio, Domine, ut faciam voluntatem tuam!

Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, et meus matris, ora pro nobis!

[1] This is not to deny the truth that all three divine persons were and are equally and fully active in creation, but merely to emphasize the truth that the Father is the principle source of the Trinitarian energies and actions (cf. CCC 292, 316, 320).

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