The Guts of FCA

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Reported about two hours ago...

Congressional leaders hoped a deal reached Saturday would clear the way for a brain-damaged woman to resume being fed while a federal court reviews the right-to-die battle between her parents and her husband.

President Bush changed his schedule to return to Washington from his Texas ranch on Sunday to be on hand to sign the legislation. ...

"We are confident this compromise addresses everyone's concerns, we are confident it will provide Mrs. Schiavo a clear and appropriate avenue for appeal in federal court, and most importantly, we are confident this compromise will restore nutrition and hydration to Mrs. Schiavo as long as that appeal endures," House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said earlier at a news conference. ...

The Senate session Saturday evening was convened to formally give necessary permission for the House to meet Sunday, when it otherwise would be in recess under a previously passed Easter recess resolution.

The plan is for the House to act on the two-page bill Sunday, or just after midnight Monday morning if someone objects to the bill being taken up on an expedited basis Sunday. ...

Michael Schiavo urged Congress to stay out of the matter, saying he is just trying to carry out his wife's wishes.

"I feel like the government has just trampled all over my personal life," he said on CNN's "Larry King Live" on Friday. "It is uncomprehensible that a government can walk all over somebody's private judicial matter, because of their own personal feelings."

I am so glad to see this new parry by the culture of life. Now that I'm not so much in the thick of it as I was before, I confess this case is draining, with all its ups and downs, all its legal complexities pitted against moral truths, but I nevertheless feel hope. I'm amazed Terri has had her NG tube removed three times now and will likely be rescued just as many times. My oscillating ardor about Terri's situation says a lot more about me than it does about anything else, but I thank God he has given such grace to her parents to fight for so long. I also thank him for giving such grace to the many people who have prayed for her so much more nobly and patiently than I. Since I've fasted from other blogs for Lent, I can only imagine the maelstrom of online activism.

Praise God, this news gives me a burst of hope and prayer. Join me. Let us pray and speak out for the dignity of Terri, a living icon of the human dignity as it is assailed by the world today.

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