The Guts of FCA

Friday, July 29, 2005

Luz fuera la oscuridad! Licht aus der Dunkelheit!

Light out of darkness!

Hooray for the Holy Spirit and our Father's loving Providence!

My recent "crisis" has been deflated almost completely, my prayers answered, my soul relieved and my feet made strong for the path ahead. THANK YOU ALL! The past several days I have literally felt your prayers at work in and around me -- the fault lines of reality bending and recalibrating around me prayer by prayer like deep sea currents pulsing against me.

I fully intend to explain "what all went down", but suffice to say for now it climaxed in one of the most important encounters of my life and I am still shaking my head about the growth God brought me to by it. It was such a ride, when the existential waves peaked and crashed -- but now I feel the equally deep privilege of continuing to ride the mellower wave farther up and farther in.

(I know, I know, with hype like this you've got no chance but to be underwhelmed with the whole story, but remember, the gravity of the siutation is scaled to *my* life, not "life in general.")

Off to teach!

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