Zubizantine: a neologism coined by Jonathan Prejean at his Crimson Catholic blog.
Jonathan's been refining his focus and method on his blog for some months now, but he's finally (?) settled on delivering "monological" analysis of current theology and news from a "Zubirian" perspective. Add to this Jonathan's keenness for Byzantine metaphysics and he runs a "Zubizantine" revue.
I draw your attention to Jonathan's blog not only because I think he, as one of the ablest and most irenic presences in the Internet ecumenical sphere, deserves a wider audience, but also because I find his exposition of Zubiri -- really, Xavier Zubiri himself -- fascinating and rich with philosophical potential. I always enjoy "unearthing" obscure but great scholars and saints, and Zubiri certainly belongs in the former category. (Plus, hey, he was a Jesuit! How zuper!)
Months ago I asked Jonathan to explain more about this strange "Zubiri" he often referred to. Probably not just because of my email alone, Jonathan eventually ran a fifteen-part (!) series on Zubiri and the main features of his innovative thought. I have every intention of compiling and working through this series in greater depth, with an ultimate view of getting into Zubiri's full works themselves. Of course, while I do think it is a little, hmm, precarious to lay so much weight for so much analysis on a single modern scholar, I trust Jonathan enough to follow his Zubyzantine adventures in the Faith. So, if you're interested, go have a look at Jonathan's sidebar for (much) more about Zubiri and his immense contributions to Catholic thought, drawn, of course, from the truest depths of Catholicism itself.
Incidentally, Zubiri is one more reason I feel compelled to become proficient in (at least) reading Spanish. There are so many saints, scholars and writers I admire who wrote originally in Spanish: St. John of the Cross, St. Theresa of Avila, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Francisco Suarez, Miguel de Cervantes, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jose Ortega y Gasset, Jorge Luis Borges, Miguel de Unamuno, Gustavo Gutierrez, Oscar Romero -- and now, Xavier Zubiri. Hasta la vista!
Zubiri was not a Jesuit. He was temporarily a Marianist priest from 1921 to the early 1930's. He then married Carmen Castro. However in the 60's he made very close Jesuit friends and supporters. His closest colaborator until his death was the Jesuit Ignacio Ellacuria. This priest/philosopher/intellectual took Zubiri's thought further and found further theological applications.