The Guts of FCA

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Introducing MC Riley

Hi, my name's Riley McPherson. Elliot (or "the Cogitator" haha) invited me to start guest blogging here at F C A. He knows I don't have much else going on right now. And hey, my interests are pretty different from his. He's all brain, dontchaknow. I'll see what I can dig up every now and then for F C A.

You can check my profile. I graduated from U of I in Carbondale. Marketing and econ major. Turns out I don't much like business though. Now I'm stuck ... don't shoot me ... telesoliciting.

I like long walks on the beach, quiet nights by the ... ah just jokin. I do love Scottish culture. I'm even still Presbyterian! Maybe I can give Elliot hard time, the slippery Papist that he is now!

Around here I go by All Riled Up. It's kinda weird though writing to people I don't even know and who probably don't even care.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Hello, Riley, and welcome to you.

    How is Elliot doing? I hope he's well. Anyway, we look forward to more from you.
