The Guts of FCA

Monday, May 1, 2006

The basic arc

For those with an eye for trends, the basic arc of my blog has been, quite evidently, a steady decline of ASCII into an ever larger sea of life offline. For those with an eye for the little things, it is evident not only that I have been keeping my reading list (on the sidebar) up to date, but also that I have been doing enough reading that it needs frequent updating. For the past few months my life has been divided between some overlapping priorities, such that blogging has simply (and perhaps for the first time in years) taken a back seat. Lent, Easter, preparing for confirmation, trying hard to finish a history of Providence University (with Fr. Ramon, for PU's 50th anniversary), dealing with work, looking for a new job, exercising a great deal more (daily, in fact), communicating more with family, drafting a few stories and screenplays I hope to develop... even praying at times! It's amazing how trivial a blog can be when you devote proper attention to the "good things" in life. (Speaking of my story and screenplay ideas, it's refreshing to return to "private" creativity, in contrast to the instant high blogging provides. Instant instant self-publication plus instant and certain audience reception makes for serious "creative exhibitionism." It was nice, for example, a few weeks ago, just to spend thirty minutes writing in a yellow legal pad, knowing I alone saw the notes.)

It's not that I'm bitter about blogging -- honestly, I recognize how fine a discipline it is to write daily, and I also recognize how positive my blog can effect some people (or so they've told me). But for the time being, I am confident that if I can endure the self-denial of Lent and find renewed energy and devotion to God in Easter, then my little blog can abide a certain "death to self" in the hope of eventual resurrection.

Make no mistake, I still have essays/series-articles "on deck"; there have been thoughts I would like to "pass along." But for now, I am genuinely enjoying the leisure of not doting on my blog. Elliam seems to be holding things up nicely, besides.

Cheers until next time.

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