The Guts of FCA

Friday, December 29, 2006

Today was one of those days

Overslept and missed my first class (it doesn't help that my school is 30 minutes away). Lost my semi-new rain jacket on the way there (fell off my scooter in traffic). Missed breakfast. Felt sick and sluggish. Discovered, as the day went on, a number of small errors -- and one huge one -- on some of my tests (finals tomorrow morning).

Ah, but I can't say it was all bad. It being a Friday, I and the students were generally very cheerful. We had a good time reviewing for tests and eating Christmas candy. I did a little exercise in my room during a break.

When I got home I packed up for the big weekend: a hike with Taiwanese friends! Snow Mtn is the destination. New Year's Eve on the second highest mountain in Taiwan, not too shabby! There's already snow on He Huan Mtn. so we can definitely expect some powder on Snow Mtn. I am so happy to have new boots, too (info also here)!

Well, I've got class tomorrow morning at 9 (teaching my Taichung Ichung senior high guys to play poker in English), and then I catch the 11 AM train to Taipei. Arriving at Snow Mtn. Saturday night, we plan to hike a couple hours to the hostel. Then it's 7-10 hours up to the peak on Sunday.

God be with us till we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Hello, sounds like a challenging day. Speaking of exercise, I'm probably not the only one who'd like to know whether you were able to continue the exercise regimen you wrote of earlier, and, if yes, what is the progress?
    michaelk borussia
