The Guts of FCA

Friday, February 1, 2008

All will be heartbroken to know...

I and my roommate will be going to the Philippines this evening, for a ten-day stay in Cebu and a nearby island. This means I will not be blogging much and am not sticking to my daily quotes. Hopefully I can add updates about anything interesting. Mostly, I'm just so happy finally to be going to the Phils. It has been a goal of mine since I came to Taiwan, and has perhaps been one factor why I have stayed as long as I have. Getting the Philippines off the TO DO LIST and into my heart will be, I think, a form of catharsis and completion.

I have it on good authority I should never turn down food offered to me, a principle which I understand from my dear friendships with Pinoy. But this means I may be faced with a tremendous and terrifying eventuality: I may be offered balut and may be forced to accept it! If you know balut, you know why this is a "terrimendous" possibility. If you don't know the delicacy, look it up and feel the terrimendousness!

On the brighter side, I am hoping to get an icon or statuette of the Black Nazarene. And on the top of my list in cultural terms is seeing and handling tarsier monkeys in Bohol. There we may also be able to ride with the dolphins at dawn. w00t!

All the best! God bless you!

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