The Guts of FCA

Thursday, August 20, 2009

For the record…

No, I have not been washed away by Typhoon Morakot; I am high and dry. Sorry to leave you all (well, at least unBeguiled) hanging. The real damage is in the south, especially in Pingdong and Tainan, but I'm in northern central Taiwan. I am hoping to get a shuttle bus from a church next Wednesday morning to aid in the relief work down south. Here's a video produced by that church, Banner Church, about helping. I'm amazed how conscious people outside of Taiwan are about the aftermath. I hear more about it from friends abroad than I do from people here, probably because the media have "amplified the signal" so that Taiwan is now a concrete reality for many people (for a while, at least), and because, in my local, daily environment, the typhoon is gone and but a memory for those of us unharmed. A sad irony or a testament to the strength of modern society?

As for why my blogging has dropped off, well, partially it's just one of my periodic slow phases, and partially it's because my mind is on a number of "life issues," which rather drain the blog-juices. I'm also reading a lot and watching quite a few movies, so as to get rid of some books and pass the time without navel-gazing. On top of that, my reentry into the world of Inyourfacebook (as I like to call it) has siphoned off my random personal updates and passing trivia, which I'd normally post here for "posterity." But don't leave me, I'll come through yet! heheh

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