(Forget it.)
I've officially decided to stop using my Chinese blog and just post some things in Chinese (Mandarin) here at FCA. This is easier for me from an administrative perspective and I think it will add a nice element to FCA.
So here's a little observation I made today. In Chinese toilet is náncè, and sometimes (on older doors, I believe) you will see "for males" (nányòng). I was struck today by how funny nányòng sounds if you don't know which characters it is: phonetically speaking, nányòng is the same as "hard to use" or "unenjoyable when used". So we might say that for women the náncè is especially nányòng! As we all know, a man's bathroom is considerably less pleasant to use than a woman's (why else do women spend so much time in there and men can shuffle out like bullets from a porcelain gun?). So the "for males" sign is not just a rule women must follow but actually a warning for their own good.
果然以下是個我今天想到的發明。在國語上toilet就是男廁然後有時候你會看到男用指出男廁(好像只是在比較舊的門上而已)。我今天才發現男用其實有個笑點,亦即你看不到它的發音是用哪個字。精確地說,男用跟難用聽起來都一樣耶。從這個巧合當中我們可以看得出來為什麼男廁特別對女生那麼難用! 我們大家都知道男廁比女廁難用(不然女生怎麼可以那麼久待在那兒裡麵但男生都像是被一支瓷槍射的子彈?)。結果從男用的通知碑當中我們可以看它不是放的因為要限製女生進來男廁的原因,其實是因為要為了她們的益處警告她們不進入那麼難用的地方!