The Guts of FCA

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

By the manna of Sinai!

As you may have seen, I recently posted two short pieces about Nazism, anti-Semitism, and Christianity (here and here). Now I stumble upon the Pope's recent address at the synagogue of Rome. Excerpt:

When he came among you for the first time, as a Christian and as Pope, my Venerable Predecessor John Paul II, almost 24 years ago, wanted to make a decisive contribution to strengthening the good relations between our two communities, so as to overcome every misconception and prejudice. My visit forms a part of the journey already begun, to confirm and deepen it. With sentiments of heartfelt appreciation, I come among you to express to you the esteem and the affection which the Bishop and the Church of Rome, as well as the entire Catholic Church, have towards this Community and all Jewish communities around the world.

It's rather short and well worth a read!

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