The Guts of FCA

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Colonialism what?

"What we really want is the United States to rebuild it, to modernize."

-- As food distribution improves, Haitians want U.S to 'take over' -

1 comment:

  1. Having been in Haiti on legitmate missions, I and others saw and know that the US made Haiti vulnerable for the "toilet" it has become. We nuzzled up to Duvalier and the others (as we did with dictators in Africa) and let all sorts of drug lords and international criminals run through Haiti. Our military presence there was just cosmetic nonsense. The country was devastated by our commitment to not being committed to the people. It would make sense for us to rebuild Haiti and annex as a satellite. The country has beauty, but the underlying illnesses, misery, and corrupted infrastructure makes it unable to attract the toursim and have the beauty it once had.
