The Guts of FCA

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The pig says...

The child says...

Teacher E.: "Who likes juice?"

Various Students: "I like juice!"

Max: "I don't like Jews!"

+ + +

Teacher E.: "What's this?"

Various Students: "Cut!"

T.E.: "Well, no, this is SLICE." (rubs blade of hand along palm in a slicing motion) "SLICE."

V.S.: "Sly!"


V.S.: "Slice!"

T.E.: "Slice!"

V.S.: "Slice!"

T.E.: "And this?" (chops blade of hand into other palm) "This is CUT."

V.S.: "Cut!"

T.E.: "Good! Slice."

V.S.: "Slice!"

T.E.: "Cut."

V.S.: "Cut!"

T.E.: "Slice!"

Erin: "Teacher, look, slice!" (rubs blade of hand down crotch along zipper) "Slice go bye bye!"

T.E.: "No, don't slice that. Not in this culture."

+ + +

Teacher E.: "Erin, stop playing with her hair. She's not a toy. ... Even though her name is Barbie."

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