The Guts of FCA

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Warhol's fifteen minutes of…


Show unveils Andy Warhol's Catholic, abstract side -- By Walker Simon, Reuters June 17, 2010

…pop art was just a seven-year phase for Warhol in the 1960s, before his 1980s plunge into abstract art and Christian imagery, particularly his versions of The Last Supper. Flippant, brazen and flamboyant as an art world personality, Warhol long kept private his devout, lifelong Catholicism.

"Only his closest confidants knew he was a religious person and frequently went to Mass," said Sharon Matt Atkins, co-ordinating curator of the Brooklyn Museum exhibit Andy Warhol: The Last Decade, which opens June 18.


  1. I've heard of this, though my understanding was he was eastern orthodox.

    Actually, now that I read up on wikipedia I understand the mistake: He's byzantine catholic. As a byzantine catholic, I know that most people think all catholics are roman and anything else is some other thing entirely.

  2. Interesting, you're a BC. Props! I have long pondered changing my rite to Byz Cath, but in Taiwan it's a non-starter. I have a constant consciousness of the eastern rites of the Church, which is why, e.g., I didn't write "Roman Catholic" or "Thomistic" in my earlier post, "Catholic, nearly to a fault." If anything I think Latins need to draw more from their eastern brethren, partially for their own benefit, but also to be more savvy as lay E. Orthodoxy gets more aggressive, apologetically and evangelistically. I encourage you to have a look at my papal florlegium. It ruffled the feathers of some old sparring partners a few years ago (notably, Perry R. heheh).

    Feel free to ask me anything about learning Chinese. I'm curious: Cantonese, Mandarin, or actually literacy?


  3. Really? Sometime I'd love to read a post of yours saying what you like about eastern orthodoxy. I admit that byzantine catholicism has a very different, interesting culture compared to roman (I went to RC schools from grades 1-12). And the more theological and philosophical aspects of eastern orthodoxy became very interesting to me in the last few years.

    And, I don't know enough about chinese to ask such a question. Again, it's business related - I'd like to be able to talk to manufacturers and such directly, that's all. Plus it's just a sound investment in general. Any advice on a computer program for learning how to read/speak the most common chinese?
