The Guts of FCA

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BB Brainstorming III...

More brainstorming on a three-day routine...

Monday (A), Wednesday (B), Friday/Saturday (A)

Ur-Workout (A)

0. Warmup:
0.1 Stretching & calisthenics
0.2 Leg extensions: 18, 15, 12 @ light warmup weight
0.3 Leg curl: 18, 15, 12 @ light warmup weight

1. Elbows-out tricep extension: 10, 8, 6 @

2. Wide-grip pullup: 13, 14, 15
[Can increase reps over time or add weight.]

3. Bench press: 12, 8, 6 @
[Not too wide a grip. Arch back slightly, not hips. Elbows tucked. Down to the lower pec. Crush the bar.]

4. Standing barbell curl: 10, 8, 6 @
[Forget weight: keep good form. Elbows locked. Crush the bar. Squeeze up to the chin.]

5. Straight-leg deadlift: 12, 8, 6 @

6. Squat: 12, 8, 6 @
[Toes out, back straight, butt down, chin level. Drive from the heels.]

7. Military press: 10, 8, 6 @
[Hips tucked under. Less than shoulder-width grip. Chin level.]

Ur-Workout (B)

0. Warmup:
0.1 Stretching & calisthenics
0.2 Leg extensions: 18, 15, 12 @ light warmup weight
0.3 Leg curl: 18, 15, 12 @ light warmup weight

Bench press: 12, 8, 6 @

Seated dumbbell curl OR Concentration curl: 10, 8, 6 @
[Full rotation cycle. Off-center supination grip.]

Supine French press: 10, 8, 6 @
[EZ bar or dumbbells. Elbows locked and parallel.]

Straight-leg deadlift: 12, 8, 6 @

Squat: 12, 8, 6 @

Bench row/Lever pull: 10, 8, 6 @
[Adjust seat for lats, not traps. Get stretched over the chest cushion. Don't cheat: spear elbows far back.]

Incline bench press: 12, 8, 6 @
[Barbell or dumbbells. Less than shoulder-width grip. Crush the bar. Watch the bar to chin and up.]

Off days:

1. Abs:
Leg drops/lifts OR rowing crunches OR ab-roller OR cable pulldowns OR Russian twists

2. Shrugs

3. Neck bridge

Every 4 weeks, do a week of lower-weight recovery with different exercises. E.g.:

1. Lunges
2. Dumbbell flyes [Keep legs up, elbows slightly bent. Hold at the peak, weights ~10 inches apart.]
3. Chinups
4. Decline leg press
5. Narrow-grip bench press OR 5a. Cable pushdowns
6. One-arm barbell rows
7. Pushups OR 7a. Dips
8. Hammer curls

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