The Guts of FCA

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gym regimen - September 2010

20 September 2010
Ur-Workout, 60 mins
90kg, BMI 25

0. Warmup: Stretching, ski machine, lat pulldowns, curls, squats

1. Bench press: 12, 8, 6 @ 60kg, 70kg, 85kg
[New PR!]

2. Pullups: 14, 15, 16
[Used power straps on the 3rd set.]

3. Hammer-grip curls (H-bar): 10, 8, 6 @ 35kg, 40kg, 45kg
[With a squeeze and high tuck at the top, a trick I recently learned, and very slow on the eccentric (downward) motion.]

4. Barbell military press (seated) : 10, 8, 5/1 @ 40–50kg
[I think my "50kg" with the EZ barbell in a few previous workouts might not have really been 50kg, since 50kg––heck, even 45kg–– tonight with the barbell was a killer. On the 3rd set, I did 5 hard reps and one rep in which I stood to try to complete the concentric (upward) motion. I could also feel my mid-back arched more than in the past workouts, so I was either tired this workout, or I need to keep building that ol' stren'th. Or, yea, both!]

5. Elbows-out extensions (per hand): 10, 8, 6 @ 19–22kg

6. Squat: 12, 9, 6 @ 50kg, 60kg, 70kg

7. Stiff-leg deadlift: 15, 12, 9 @ 50kg, 60kg, 70kg

8. Kneeling ab pulldowns: 15, 30 @ 35kg, 30kg
[Plus a set of 30 crunches when I got home.]

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