The Guts of FCA

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gym regimen - October 2010

A2: Chest and Calves (TUESDAY): 50 mins
92kg, BMI 26.5

Warmup: calisthenics, stretching, ski machine, bench press, delt flyes

Pullovers: 12, 12, 12 @ 14kg, 18kg, 26kg

Dumbbell flye: 10, 8, 6 @ 18kg, 22kg, 26kg

Seated calf raise: 20, 25, 30 @ 50kg

Incline bench press: 10, 8, 6 @ 50kg, 60kg, 70kg

Bench press: 10, 8, 7** @ 65kg, 70kg, 80kg
[** means I got a spot on the 6th and 7th reps, the 7th being an extra rep my spot urged me to do.]

Seated calf raise (outer and inner angle): 20, 20, 20 @ 50kg

Ski machine: 2 min, 2 min, 4 min

Bench press: 10, 10 @ 50kg
30 Alternating incline crunches
50, 50 Russian twists

+ + +

I still find the chest my least satisfying workout, probably for two reasons. First, as I've noted before, it's my weakest muscle group. Second, it is a fairly small muscle group. Nothing compares to the awesome pump I get from working my legs and back. Even so, I notice objective gains from last week's A2, so I shouldn't fret too much. Plus, pump or no pump, fun or no fun, it's all about Patience, Humility, and Confidence.

A friend of mine recently suggested I post my workout updates on a separate page, or some such, seeing as clearer divisions in my content would allow readers to focus on, or not have to wade through, theology, or exercise, or philosophy, etc. I've tried running disparate thematic blogs before (technically, I still manage five blogs, or so), but the thing about FCA is, it's The Me Blog: it expresses the natural combination of Fides, Cogitatio, et Actio which drives my life. I think the few people who still bother to visit this blog enjoy that blend. If not, however, they at least don't mind ignoring the posts that don't interest them. Heavens to Betsy, I'm already bending over backwards, as far as FCA's reader-friendliness goes, by doing away with my beloved blacked-out links! :smirking emoticon:

On a different front, I had a very touching experience this morning while teaching. I teach first- and second-graders in the morning and this week we began a new lesson. I only see each class once a week, so I try to make it effective and energetic. The students go bananas singing the song for each lesson, apparently because I add simple dance moves and have them compete in teams. Today we sang "What Color Is It?" I had already introduced the grammar point by drilling them to show one finger to say "It's red," two fingers to say "It's yellow," three for blue, and four for green. During the song they had to do those hand motions while singing along. I was so deeply touched by how rapt their attention was that I nearly broke into tears.

Truth be told, this has happened to me a few times the past few weeks. I have had similar emotional rushes over the past seven years teaching middle-schoolers, high-schoolers, and kindergartners, but I think the relatively new experience of teaching lots of young elementary school students every day has reopened that "soft spot" I think all teachers admit they have for "the little ones." I was blown away by how pure their attention and glee were while singing such an otherwise mundane song. They were in the palm of my hand. How easily I could have lashed out at them when their psyches were so open to me, and yet how blessed it is to serve as a teacher and nourish their natural curiosity and animal affections. Partially the experience welled up from the horror and outrage I feel about child molesters––yes, clergy of any stripe included––and partially it wells up from the feeling I have gotten increasingly over the past seven years: God has gifted me as a teacher. Like Eric Liddell (about 45 seconds in), "When I teach, I feel His pleasure."

[ADDENDUM: I should mention that my giftedness as a teacher may only extend to teaching English (et relata) in this culture, or perhaps non-English-speaking cultures. I readily admit I am not a "real teacher" as far as all the red tape, meetings, lesson planning, PTA politics, etc. go for teachers in the USA, and other native teachers. In many ways, it's a piece of cake teaching here, so I don't mean to sound boastful. In many other ways, though, teaching here is very taxing, so I do mean to thank God for making me such an apparently able and appreciated teacher all these years.]

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