"I have heard when my gay friends first had consciousness of their gay attractions, and it was pretty young, as young as my consciousness of heterosexual attractions, therefore it is morally acceptable."
"I have heard when my audited friends first had consciousness of their attractions to laundering, and it was pretty young, as young as my consciousness of the obligation not to steal, therefore it is morally acceptable."
We all know drunk guys fight the best and have the most power on tap, therefore, train drunk and you will be immune to the pains that prevent you from breaking through into the powers of Drunkdom.
I am a philosopher by trade. You are a not-philosopher by trade. I make X dollars per year. You invariably make X+ dollars per year. Yet, I surpass you existentially since my occupation is to dwell on what you dwell upon during your drive home and those moments when you wife and children and boss are not commmandeeeeering your cognitive capacities. I lose, yet I I win. That's philosophical alchemy for you.
I have heard when my gay friends first had consciousness of their gay attractions, and it was pretty young, as young as my consciousness of heterosexual attractions, therefore it is morally acceptable."
ReplyDeleteI've heard my pica eating depends started about the same time as I learned to easy nutritious foofood, so it's all the same.
ReplyDeleteIs that "Huh?" for Martin... or for this admittedly plurally Huh-genic post of mine? Glad you can Ilion could get to know each other! heheh
I think it was for both. Your post was mysterious, but Martin's response was just plain weird.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I am way behind on comments here.