The Guts of FCA

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Freedom perfects nature.

This was an epiphany.
Perhaps the most vivid and obvious example: Saving sex for marriage, as a free sacrifice of one's natural and good urges, perfects the natural enjoyment of sex.

Ein voller Bauch studiert nicht gern –– also an epiphany, but of the more "cynical" flavor.

If human nature (h) is wholly and merely a combination (result) of one's environment (e) and one's genetic inheritance (g), then the determinacy of h is but a function of the determinacy of e and g.

Since e is radically indeterminate with respect to teleological embodiment (i.e. rational control), h is radically contingent. Further, since g is contingent upon e–-e.g. the manifestation of "lung cancer genes" based on the inhalation of urban pollution or many cigarettes––, h is as indeterminate as g.

Imagine e, h, and g as the corners of a triangle, the triangle of real human existence (r). There is an inverse proportion between the indeterminacy of any corner and the other two. (Does Newton's three-body problem further accentuate the indeterminacy of r? I have the impression that the three-body problem is more tractable in quantum mechanics… that that mechanics is itself rife with indeterminacy, by most accounts.)

□e ∧ □g ⊃ □h
(~□e ∧ □g) ∨ (□e ∧ ~□g)
∴ ~(□e ∧ □g)
∴ ~□h
e ∧ g ⊃ h
◊~g ∧ ◊~h ∴ ◊~h
∴ h is not determinate

+++ an HTML addendum +++

& #9633; is □
alt+shift+v is ◊
& #8226; is •
& #9744; is ☐

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