The Guts of FCA

Friday, April 1, 2011

Thought spree...

A: "The movie poster for the last Harry Potter movie is slightly similar to the one for "Enemy Mine"."
B: "That might be its strongest virtue."

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"From a philosophical point of view...." Is there any other?

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A: Human nature is a myth. Just look at the diversity of human behavior.
B: The existence of rainbows is an illusion. Just look at the variety of rainbows.
C: The dogmas of human essence, social order, and natural law are yokes upon man's otherwise free and otherwise socially harmonious nature.

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"There is no fact-checker more ruthless than I when it comes to me quoting myself." -- Elliot Bougis

I think it's only fair that I give credit to me for giving credit to myself for providing such quotable quotations when I needs them.

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I love losing Facebook friends for ideological reasons!

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"Universal human rights"––long live speciesism!

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Yes, yes, but why can't Darwin fix my DVD burner!

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Faith is at the heart of confidence.

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David Lewis's "Void and Object" is the funniest thing I've seen all day and the funniest title I've seen all month. (My life really is that arcane.)

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How Amazon has outsmarted the music industry (and Apple)
By Ed Bott | March 30, 2011, 2:21pm PDT

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This, from a Church with an INQUISITION! I'm shocked!

Atheists and Catholics in Paris examine question of God
By Alan Holdren

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Politics is so depressing.

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It will be nice to get my head shaved to the skin again, it's been too long! Click GOOD if you want to see the pics tomorrow! (If it cracks a hundred people, I might lose the eyebrows too.)


  1. I hope the saved head thing is a joke

  2. It would be unfortunate if Elliot's head were to be saved.

  3. It was indeed an April's Foal's Day joke. As should be plain, I lost my head long ago.

  4. The Pope's interfaith/non-believer dialogue was a fine effort; however, the manner in which it was presented seemed to leave out a sustantial definition of what was to take place. Were the non-believers a select few or all? Or, were there to be intellectuals that would meet the parameters of Albetus Magnus's principles? Non-believers, those like Hitchens and Dawkins have already accepted their position as victims of their own inquisition.
