B: "That might be its strongest virtue."
"From a philosophical point of view...." Is there any other?
A: Human nature is a myth. Just look at the diversity of human behavior.
B: The existence of rainbows is an illusion. Just look at the variety of rainbows.
C: The dogmas of human essence, social order, and natural law are yokes upon man's otherwise free and otherwise socially harmonious nature.
"There is no fact-checker more ruthless than I when it comes to me quoting myself." -- Elliot Bougis
I think it's only fair that I give credit to me for giving credit to myself for providing such quotable quotations when I needs them.
I love losing Facebook friends for ideological reasons!
"Universal human rights"––long live speciesism!
Yes, yes, but why can't Darwin fix my DVD burner!
Faith is at the heart of confidence.
David Lewis's "Void and Object" is the funniest thing I've seen all day and the funniest title I've seen all month. (My life really is that arcane.)
How Amazon has outsmarted the music industry (and Apple)
By Ed Bott | March 30, 2011, 2:21pm PDT
This, from a Church with an INQUISITION! I'm shocked!
Atheists and Catholics in Paris examine question of God
By Alan Holdren
Politics is so depressing.
It will be nice to get my head shaved to the skin again, it's been too long! Click GOOD if you want to see the pics tomorrow! (If it cracks a hundred people, I might lose the eyebrows too.)
I hope the saved head thing is a joke
ReplyDeleteIt would be unfortunate if Elliot's head were to be saved.
ReplyDeleteIt was indeed an April's Foal's Day joke. As should be plain, I lost my head long ago.
ReplyDeleteThe Pope's interfaith/non-believer dialogue was a fine effort; however, the manner in which it was presented seemed to leave out a sustantial definition of what was to take place. Were the non-believers a select few or all? Or, were there to be intellectuals that would meet the parameters of Albetus Magnus's principles? Non-believers, those like Hitchens and Dawkins have already accepted their position as victims of their own inquisition.