The Guts of FCA

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Still hitting the weights, still hitting the books…

You can peruse my BBEDU training log for my struggles against entropy and various other tidbits in my life. I hope to get a few more chapters of SCG up tonight and more again tomorrow. Alas, though, I have not been diligent about my Latin studies. I have let to many days pass without doing exercises. There are just so many books to distract me, though! To wit, I've been reading, with pleasure, A. C. Grayling's An Introduction to Philosophical Logic (1st ed.) and began Harwood Fisher's Self, Logic, and Figurative Thinking last night as I couldn't fall asleep. I find Fisher's style distracting. He's already used an unseemly number of exclamation in just the first two or three chapters and he keeps announcing his intentions, whereas I would rather he just into the meat of his theory. I might be disappointed since it is more about the logic of social theory and cognition than about "pure" logic. Call me a logic junkie, I guess. To wit, I also began Kneale and Kneale's The Development of Logic, and can't wait to plow through it, but I will wait until other minor readings are cleared away before I set in.

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