The Guts of FCA

Monday, December 26, 2011

Let it rust...

What We Are Getting At

G. K. Chesterton — Posted On July 3, 2011 11:07 AM

Distributists ... are not out to improve the present industrial system, but to destroy it. We want to shift the center of gravity from the machine to the craftsman, from the factory to the farm. We want to decentralize production, so that each district may tend to be self-supporting, we want to have little knots of craftsmen everywhere supplying the needs of the district which feeds them. 
While we admit the existence of certain exceptional forms of ownership, as in a mine or a factory, we insist that they are exceptions, and even here we make a distinction between a mine, which we must have, and a factory, which perhaps we need not have. We may find it useful to prepare definite plans for the Distributist working of mines. There is no sense in preparing detailed plans for the Distributist working of a factory. ...

We can start dealing with the small owner in industry and agriculture and, wherever possible, with owners in our own district. ... Some can, if they have the courage of giants, help to form groups of craftsmen, like the Distributing group. Others, again with the courage of giants, can start tilling the land.
... [R]equests have been received from Distributists for a complete plan of how our theory is to be applied to the modern conditions of industry and agriculture. We are accused of being vague, of having nothing to offer the vast army of people employed in factories and offices. Well, we have nothing to offer them—except a way out. We do not intend to devise schemes for making life in a factory or an office tolerable; that is what the monopolists intend to do, and no doubt they will do it. Our business, so far as the factory and office employee are concerned, is to make them desire freedom and to show them how they may be free. 
... We hope to turn back the tide of monopoly, we hope to change England from a nation of machine-miners, clerks and carriers to a nation of farmers and craftsmen. But we do not hope to do it all at once. The change, if it is made, will be made piecemeal—by converting Englishmen to Distributism, and by gradually building up a Distributist community outside monopolist organization. 
That may appear to place us at a debating disadvantage with the Socialists, who know precisely how they will take over and work monopoly. But the reason for their precise knowledge is that they are themselves monopolists. We don’t intend to take over monopoly. We intend to destroy it by starting an exodus from its factories. 
Our main immediate concern is to gain converts ... [a]nd when a likely subject asks what we shall do with the steel trade or what not, we must not be ashamed to say: “We shall do nothing with it. We shall leave it to rust.”

... We think that something can be done through Parliament to make small ownership easier to gain and to hold. But we are not a Party, and our main effort must be always outside Parliament. ...

The one thing needful is to preach steadily and work steadily for small ownership and the localization of production and consumption, while refusing to consider the irrelevant problem of the big town. ...

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