Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Augustine Day by Day - August 9 - Christ's Members Follow the Head

"You must realize that when the Father shows his works to Christ's members, it is to Christ that he shows them. He shows them to the members through the Head. Suppose you wish to take hold of some object with your eyes closed. Your hand does not know where to go, yet your hand is your member. Open your eyes, and your hand will now see where it must go. The member follows the way indicated by its head!"

-- Sermon on John 21, 9

The question then becomes what is Christ the Head oriented on? I leave it to you to see John 14-17 for much of the answer.

Prayer. Lord, only this do I ask of your great kindness: that you convert me totally to you and allow no obstacle to hinder me as I wend my way to you.

-- Soliloquies 1, 6

Amen, amen, convert me fully, O Lord, unto You and Your likeness in Christ and unto Your life in the Church!

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